The AVID Assistant Virtual Map is a virtual table-top add-on to the AVID Assistant. It displays a hexmap, box minis, and End of Turn markers.
The Virtual Map is in activate development and can change at anytime as new features are added and tested.
Currently, the Virtual Map supports Squadron Strike and Attack Vector: Tactical.
Why Patreon
As Squadron Strike is a very niche product, it is difficult to put a price tag on the Virtual Map software. We are not comfortable with asking for payment upfront for product that might never leave the alpha-stage. On the other hand, we do incur monthly costs in order to provide the backend support for the AVID Assistant and Virtual Map. Plus, it is nice to get a little bit of pocket money in exchange for the hours spent slaving over a hot processor.
Patreon provides a nice middle ground. We have a revenue stream and patrons can modify their support level at any time.
The Maps
There are two maps available to use.
Virtual Map
"Production" map. It is known to work and shouldn't have any issues.
Beta Map
The latest version in testing. Some features might not work as we are hunting down all of the bugs.
Current Limitation
- Chrome and Firefox only. (Safari and Edge don't fully support HTML5 yet)
- The Beta Map does support Safari and Edge
- Squadron Strike Only.
- The Beta Map supports Attack Vector:Tactical as well.
- Fighters do not have a box mini
- The Beta Map supports Fighters fully
- Players need to use paper SSDs
- The Beta Map supports online SSD
- Players need to communicate via a third party service such as Google Hangouts. A Discord server has been setup for this purpose.